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Thank you to our donors!
Thank you, S.W. Swiderski, LLC for the recent $1,000 donation to The Family Center as part of your 30th anniversary celebration. To celebrate and show their appreciation, they donated a total of $30,000 to local non-profit organizations in the communities where they have existing locations.
Thank you, Hostel Shoppe in Stevens Point for collecting donations to support The Family Center at your recent "Women Helping Women" event. You all rocked!!
Thank you, Aspirus Riverview Hospital, Aspirus Riverview Hospital Medical Staff and Clinics and Project Search students for your food drive and donations! We appreciate it!
Snow is on the way
but we just want to say:
Thank you to those who golfed to benefit The Family Center in August!
We appreciate your efforts on the green to give us some "green"!
Thank you to everyone who has worked on The Family Center's Adopt-A-Room project: Opportunity Development Centers, Inc., Associated Bank, Wisconsin Rapids Noon Rotary. Click here or the photo to the left for the gallery.
Thank you to the members of the Wisconsin Rapids Noon Rotary Club who volunteered to paint the shelter kitchen areas. It was much needed and appreciated!!
Thank you to
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church for the donation of quilts.
Thank you, Delta Dental of Wisconsin and its Stevens Point employees for their "Brush, Book, and Bed" donations -- dental hygiene kits, books and pajamas!
Thank you, Moments Hospice, Waterford at Wisconsin Rapids, Wellington of Biron, Arborwood Lodge and Arborview Court for the most generous food donations!
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